AKA Abraham Bacoln

December 28, 2007, 9:01 pm
Filed under: quote

From Blood Meridian:

Far out on the desert to the north dustspouts rose wobbling and augered the earth and some said they’d heard of pilgrims borne aloft like dervishes in those mindless coils to be dropped broken and bleeding upon the desert again and there perhaps to watch the thing that had destroyed them lurch onward like some drunken djinn and resolve itself once more into the elements from which it sprang. Out of that whirlwind no voice spoke and the pilgrim lying in his broken bones may cry out and in his anguish he may rage, but rage at what? And if the dried and blackened shell of him is found among the sands by travelers to come yet who can discover the engine of his ruin?

On my way
December 24, 2007, 5:20 pm
Filed under: tidbit

I had the beginnings of a lucid dream last night. I don’t remember the exact circumstances and they’re not important. What’s important is that I didn’t like the situation, I was scared and angry, and I said, “Well, it’s just a dream, so let’s change it.”

It was nice, because I didn’t just turn the dream off like flipping channels on a television, but instead changed myself and used the new me to take control of the situation and modify it to my liking.

Unfortunately the realization that I had in fact successfully altered my dream took me one step too far towards conscious, and so I awoke.

But it’s a start.

that which ain’t solid or gas
December 22, 2007, 7:46 pm
Filed under: tidbit

So tonight I have had, in rapid succession, the following things to drink:

1. Water
2. Hot jasmine green tea
3. Red wine (tempranillo-garnacha blend from Spain)
4. Milk
5. Egg yolk
6. Orange juice
7. Hot chocolate

I know that egg yolk isn’t a proper drink but it is a liquid, so that counts, right? I mean you could drink it if you had to.

December 21, 2007, 12:22 am
Filed under: tidbit

not my picture
December 5, 2007, 7:07 pm
Filed under: tidbit

Thanks, tommy forbes. Sleep is for the weak.