AKA Abraham Bacoln

I may just have to buy it
April 11, 2007, 10:23 pm
Filed under: tidbit

This is one of the best web sites I have seen in … ever, basically.


It is a promo site for a new book. I’m going to quote what someone else wrote, because it is both better worded than what I would come up with, and also I am lazy. Thank you for the words, eddo.

“The really intriguing thing about the site is that it breaks pretty much every rule that contemporary web designers have for effective site design. The site is a linear progression of images, essentially 30 splash pages one right after another. It doesn’t have any navigation except for forward/back buttons; you can’t just jump to whatever page you want. [She] barely mentions anything about the book and only then near the end of the 30 pages. There’s no text…it’s all images, which means that the site will be all but invisible to search engines. No web designer worth her salt would ever recommend building a site like this to a client.

Yet it works because the story pulls you along so well; July’s using the site’s narrative to sell a book that is, presumably, chock full of the same sort of narrative. If you think the site sucks and quickly click away, chances are you’re not going to like the book either…it’s the perfect self-selection mechanism. The No One Belongs Here More Than You site is a lesson for web designers: the point is not to make sites that follow all the rules but to make sites that will best accomplish the primary objectives of the site.”

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pretty cool, huh!? I thought it was very clever. Trey showed it to me the other day. It makes me happy.

Comment by Maig

July’s also the person who wrote, directed, and starred in “Me and You and Everyone We Know.” It wasn’t my favorite film but I enjoyed it and she is definitely someone I’d enjoy reading and watching other works by. Her stuff is, well, weird, but in a very charming and accessible way. She’s the kind of weird we all are when we thing no one’s around, I guess.

Comment by Jason C

I like it. Usually, web sites take on a third-party voice that separates the visitor from the author/creator — even if it’s written in first person (e.g. a blog). I feel like this is coming straight from her.

I also liked “Me and You and Everyone We Know.”

Comment by JTJ

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