AKA Abraham Bacoln

Dirt doesn’t need luck
August 12, 2006, 11:37 pm
Filed under: photography, tidbit

So far I still haven’t heard back from that photo gig. However, when I went by there recently the lady at the front told me the bossmanager hadn’t called anyone yet because she’d been so busy.

And speaking of busy, I haven’t been busy at all on my new photography site. No, really, I haven’t. Trey helped me make some changes to the layout and styles and then I stopped moving on it. I finally tonight finished sorting through the 2000-plus files in my font library and decided that exactly none of them were what I was looking for. Oh well, the header links will stay as text for now.

Oh, so yeah, should anyone anywhere near me (or you, should you be near me) need anything photographed, send them to klophoto.com to see my ‘work’. I use the phrase ‘work’ to denote self-deprication of some sort though I haven’t yet sorted out which sort it is I mean. Anyway, I put that thing on a separate site because, well, not that I don’t want strangers to read my blog … if that were the case I sure wouldn’t have it on the internet, and then what kind of blog would it be? A diary, that’s what kind of blog it would be. I just want that when someone says, “Oh, I know this guy that takes pictures” they can follow it with “and you can see them at his site” and I don’t have to worry about them getting caught up in admiring my masterful use of the English language. Or thinking I’m retarded. Words are for the words site and photos are for the photos site. Y’dig?

Oh, the other part of the reason for a photo site is that I put a lot of pictures on my Flickr site and not all of them are of the awesome quality I’d like to show to a new viewer. Plus, it’s hard to tell people how to get there, how to force them to leave out the E in flicker, etc. So! Those of you who are my Flickr friends, you’ll see everything that ends up on the klophoto site before it even gets there. You’re the lucky ones.

I hain’t been up to NUTHIN lately, ‘cept the following:
+Eating Thai food and barbeque, but not at the same time
+Hanging out at Poet’s now that Gridge’s is gone (insert single tear shed here)
+Watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith with Ross and Ariel. I’ll admit, it made me laugh in parts.
+Drinking Ross’s beer. I am so fortunate to have friends that make quality products like coffee and beer. That’s really the good life right there. If only I could grow decent grapes here maybe in five years I could be that friend making wine.
+Playing Guitar Hero for the first time ever, and totally kicking ass. I was born to rock. Ariel was astounded at my incredible scores. So astounded, in fact, that she made an inedible pie.
+Seeing people (Leon and Crit) that I’ve not seen in years and years. They and Jim and I hung out for hours today doing a whole pile of absolutely nothing.

I’m sure there are more things I’ve done, but I felt that list was boring enough.

The Putnam County Fair is winding down as I type, and I never went. I couldn’t bring myself to spend the money to go take pictures of crazy people. Somehow my heart wasn’t in it. Maybe next year. I’ve already been drafted to take pictures of … um … what do they call that thing they do here in Cookeville in September at the square? The Fall Cook-Off and Child Disaster Screaming Day? I can’t remember. Regardless, they want me (and probably several other people, I am not that special) to take pictures to commemorate the whole hot muggy mess. Apparently I will get paid a grand rate of nothing per hour! I’m very excited!

Okay, no, I actually am excited. It’s true. Anyone wanting me to take pictures for any reason makes me happy. I have several ideas about things and people for upcoming photographicalizationated excursions.

I really need a job. I hope the photo place calls me and soon. If not, I’m gonna have to start doing more than looking at Craigslist and reading the classifieds. I’m one of those people that says that if I won the lottery I’d spend a few years running around and then go back to work. I need structure during my day and right now I got jack. I just keep putting it off for various reasons, just like I keep putting off my trip to Asheville.


4 Comments so far
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Photography biz is a tough racket. You might want to track down and ask Ben Winters about it – he’s been doing freelance work for a few years, primarily sports.

My company is doing some work for Corbis images recently, and this has given me some exposure into the world of “microstock” — something like ‘user-generated stock photography,’ from semi-pro or even amateur photographers. Prime example is iStockPhoto.com, which was recently bought by Getty Images for $50M. There are others like this whose names escape me.

Can’t say that it’s a living, but I imagine you’re *not* familiar with the blandness of contemporary stock imagery, so you might be less inclined to unintentionally mimic the tropes of the category – which could give you some form of competitive differentiation.

Comment by Ryan

I tried Guitar Hero a few weeks ago and I SUCKED at it! No, really! I SUCKED!http://www.flickr.com/photos/bradamant/156721228/

Comment by Pretty Kate Machine

Guitar Hero is my most recent addiction. Are you playing on Expert? I’m trying and mostly failing on the “Hard” level.

The inedible pie made me laugh. What flavor was the pie?

Comment by Rebecca

Oh, I was playing on ‘easy’ as I am a beginner. I ROCK for a beginner. Tonight we sat at Trey’s and played Donkey Konga and it was similar yet different, and I was okay at that too.

The pie was apple lychee.

Comment by Kevin O'Mara

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