AKA Abraham Bacoln

For once it wasn’t me …
August 24, 2008, 10:06 pm
Filed under: tidbit

Kevin O’Mara: Sidelighting Full Portrait

Originally uploaded by budrowilson

… taking my own self-portrait that is. I got a call from Sean Setters (a photographer friend of mine) yesterday saying that he’d had a cancellation in his schedule and that he wanted something to go shoot. Considering I have many times thought, “Oh, I want to shoot so-and-so at a moment’s notice” and almost never had it work out, I was more than happy to be able to lend a hand.

And the other hand, and some legs and face and the rest of my whole body, actually. I’m pretty sure that all of me was there.

Anyway the point is that I’m impressed with Sean’s stuff. He started out as a good photographer and the more he shoots the better he gets. In fact, I will turn this into a completely biased recommendation so if you’re not into that kind of thing you can stop reading now. I would gladly suggest him for any kind of portrait sitting or wedding photography. I feel I can say this without repercussion since I have no association with any of the major studios in town – I’d send potential clients to him 10 times over before I’d send them to one of the big commercial joints, especially for single-person or couples portraiture.

I think I’m done bragging on him now. I have to stop at some point or his head’ll get too big. You’re a grown person, aren’t you? You can go check out the rest of his pictures of me from today or his Flickr in general.

(and no, he didn’t pay me to say all this)

(though if you are willing to pay me to write something flattering about you, dear reader, I’ll see what I can do)

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