AKA Abraham Bacoln

tiny little pictures
June 14, 2009, 4:55 pm
Filed under: photography

I recently became the next-to-last person on earth to get an iPhone (we all know that Kenny Rogers will be the last, for reasons I’m sure I don’t have to explain). Yesterday I took a picture of the interior of a green bell pepper and sometime last night I thought, “Man, that would look good as a wallpaper for my iPhone.” Is it egotistical to want to use one’s own photography for the artistic decoration on one’s own phone? Well, regardless of whether or not that’s egotistical, the rest of this sure is.

While we were driving around today I thought of another picture of mine that I would want as a wallpaper, and then another, and suddenly it occurred to me that you might want them too. Excited, I came home and did this:

… that’s right, I found fifty-something of my favorite images and cropped them all to 320×480 (iPhone wallpaper dimensions) and then zipped them up and set them right out there on the internet where you can get to them. I of course uploaded them all to Flickr and put them in a set so that you could pick and choose as well, if that’s how you like to do it.

Admittedly some of them are Cookeville-centric – I’m not sure anyone but a Cookevillian can truly appreciate the flying car or the water tower. I hope you don’t mind. With the rest of them I just aimed for something abstract, weird, visually appealing, or all of the above.

So there you go – have some tiny pictures of mine. They’re for you, on the house. I would love to know if you use any of them, even if only for a day. Please leave a comment if you do.

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So…for iPhones only? What’s wrong with a BlackBerry – or as Lee calls it – an ElderBerry?? Won’t your pictures fit my phone? (And Kenny Rogers may get an iPhone before Lee Piepmeier does!)

Comment by Kelly Piepmeier

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