AKA Abraham Bacoln

’round here
December 4, 2006, 6:38 pm
Filed under: tidbit

This picture represents the fifth time that I have challenged my Cookeville peeps to identify or locate a local … um … thing. Guess I can’t really say place or building ’cause sometimes it’s neither of those things.

I’m constantly surprised and amused at how rapidly the answers come back. Either this town is exactly as small as I think it is, or my friends are just as observant as I think they are, or maybe it’s a combination of both.

Regardless, the activity amuses me to no end, and I’m always thinking of new places or things to photograph and use to quiz my degenerate Flickr friends. The first two were a bit hard and the last three a bit easy, so I’m going to try to think of something a bit more in-between for next time.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention I’ve tagged them all with ‘trivia’ so it’s easy for me to go back and relive the fun. Thanks for playing, everyone – I’ll try and think of a new thrilling adventure for you all soon.

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I’ve enjoyed your trivia photos.

They are a fun exercise of my memory/knowledge of Cookeville since I’ve not lived there full-time since 1999.
Plus, I’m often surprised and amazed by the photogenic wonders that you seem to effortlessly find (or know about) in that little town.

Comment by Rebecca

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