AKA Abraham Bacoln

A fond farewell
November 13, 2009, 2:42 pm
Filed under: tidbit

So I know I said I was done taking pictures of my rabbit but, well, see, last night I went to drop him off with his new parents, and we ended up going over to The Rendezvous, and things got a little crazy.

Rabbits' Night Out 2/3

He decided to wear his tiny little rabbit hat, which is kind of like me wearing a human hat, except different. Instead of wearing a human hat though I continued the rabbit theme and … yeah. That’s enough. Suffice it to say that a good time was had by all.

Goodbye for now, little pal. I hope you enjoy your new home. It’ll be nice for you, I think, to live in a place where you’re not the scariest or weirdest thing around.

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Dear lord. If he’s not going to be the scariest thing around, where is he going to live? Pan’s Labyrinth?

Comment by Trey Piepmeier

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