AKA Abraham Bacoln

A little promotion
June 8, 2010, 10:09 pm
Filed under: New Orleans, photography

So you’ve probably already read about this if you follow me on Twitter or if you keep tabs on me through Facebook, but I’m gonna post it here for posterity. There’s a local news site, inthekNOwla, and they decided to interview me for their Artist Spotlight series.

It’s very flattering, of course, to have someone want to write a little bit about what you do. It also feels strange to be getting interviewed and having attention rise at the same time as my photography inspiration and productivity declines. However, as much as I want to say, “Why are they interviewing me? I hardly ever make anything good anymore” it doesn’t negate the fact that they liked my existing stuff enough to write about it.

I’m in too good a mood for any sort of serious self-deprecation, so I’ll just say thanks to everyone that has constantly reminded me that I’m doing good work here and that I should keep it up. I had a pretty good day because of this interview, so I’m gonna ride that for a while.

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