AKA Abraham Bacoln

You know you want to
April 9, 2007, 2:15 pm
Filed under: tidbit

All you local folk’ll remember dear old Hidden Hollow. You do remember Hidden Hollow, right? Created by renowned madman Arda Lee it has entertained and creeped out children for many years now. Well, when old Arda died it went to his kids, and they’re getting a bit long in the tooth theyselves, or so I hear, and now the entire property, all 55 acres or so, is up for auction.

So who wants to go with me? Mark it on your calendars – Saturday, May 5th at 10:00 AM. It may be your last chance to say goodbye to an old friend. You know, the kind of old friend that would show up sometimes waaay too late in the evening and sit around your living room and eat pieces of candy all covered in lint and talk unintelligibly so that you weren’t sure if they were drunk and just where in God’s name did they get that candy anyway? Was that from their pocket or something? but they’re a good friend anyway, they’ve been there for you since … forever.

But they won’t be around much longer.

And besides, going to an auction for something you don’t intend to buy isn’t that strange, is it? That’s how I got this picture – how else would I have gained entrance to such a run-down old building? Legally?

Come with me to the auction.

9 Comments so far
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okay. I’m in.

Comment by stacie

This is heartbreaking. Do you know how much it’s expected to go for?

Comment by Matt

What a bummer – I hate to see it getting divided like that – have fun for me while your there.

Comment by Ned

did not know this. too bad. i remember going there with my dad, and he and arda would taaaaalk forever, it seemed like. i do wonder what the ask would be on that property. it will stink to see it carved up.

Comment by Ryan

Matt – I have no idea what it’ll go for. I believe the auction listing said 55 acres, so that alone is worth a ton. I don’t think I’ll stay the entire time, so I may not be able to report back with a final figure.

Comment by Kevin O'Mara

Well, crap. I had no idea that it was private property. Isn’t there some sort of land-trust group in Cookeville that could get together and save the lake? Otherwise, you KNOW that is will just be eat up by McMansions and condos purchased by people here in Michigan.

I wish I could join you…

Comment by Erich

Smashing idea by Erich. One of you Cookevillians should try to get it declared a historic landmark or somesuch.

I talked about going to see the Christmas lights this year, but didn’t. Mistake.

Comment by Matt

Oh, I love Hidden Hollow! It is just as creepy and weird as you describe here, but it’s sooooo cool!

Comment by Alison

Hidden Hollow is a manmade wonderland highlighted by natural waterfalls, covered bridges, lakes, canals, and offers a variety of recreational activities including swimming, kiking, fishing, and picnicking.

Comment by Skylar

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